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A virtual exploration through SPEECH, TECHNOLOGY, and their INTERPLAY.

Throughout varying levels of technology and the various uses of modality within each level of technology, arise a vast variation in the interplay between speeches and the message which they preserve. Speech is any form of spoken word, but for the sake of example this project will use Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. The varying forms of technology presented ahead are meant to demonstrate the significance of this interplay - highlighting what we take for granted on an everyday basis when interacting with speech and technology.

The significance that utilizing a particular technology has on the effect of the message in any form of media is noteworthy. At the time of Dr. King’s speech in 1963 with the fullest technology available to us, only black/white video and photographs, and accompanying audio recording were able to preserve the message. However, this level of preservation of Dr. King’s speech far surpasses a simple unaccompanied audio recording, a transcription of the speech, or even other rudimentary ways of symbolizing the speech’s content, such as Morse code. Thinking forward, technology has advanced far beyond what was available in 1963.

This project uses modern technologies that each provide a specific scope of how the user ingests the speech. It is worth noting that the fullest extent of the level of communication of King’s actual message in the project, according to the absolute highest technologies available today was not attained. However, the goal with this project’s associated video is to demonstrate how various perspectives, which usually are afforded different levels of technology according to whatever is available for a given user, likely lead to a different deepness in understanding of a speech’s original content and message.

Think about this interplay as you ponder the meaning of King's words as they are presented to you. Think also about how the medium and technology in which the words are being presented affect the impact and meaning that the words carry. This is the crux of interplay between speech and technology.

Having a Dream - Video Component of a DTC Project

Having a Dream - Video Component of a DTC Project

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